A notice of a public hearing in Hempstead, New York, is impossible to read. Don't even try it, you might hurt yourself. It's not just a design gone wrong. This is an example of malicious compliance, or following the letter of the law while undermining the spirit of the law, like the "small print" on a contract that gets smaller every year. Yes, they were required by law to post the notice of a public hearing, but you can tell they really don't want anyone to attend. The font is exactly as tall as required, but so narrow as to resemble a barcode more than text. If you really want to read the sign, here is a stretched version. -via reddit
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Even with the stretched version, I can't figure out what the hearing is about because of the legalese.
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I ran into this decades ago. The California Franchise laws require a specific statement to be printed in its entirety, in 12 point text, on the first page of an offering. I did so and had the examiner try to reject it because it was illegible. I got through it by asking her if anyone else complied with the letter of the law.
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