The 20 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last Ten Years

The geek entertainment blog io9 is celebrating its tenth anniversary in many ways, but the one you're most interested in is its list of The 100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last 10 Years. The list is split into five parts, and the top twenty is finally here. It covers movies, TV, video games, comics, and the fandoms they spawned. Star Wars takes four (and a half) of the spots, but there's plenty of other events to remember. Here's a sample.

19) Deadpool proves not all superhero movies have to be the same

As superhero fare has dominated the Hollywood ecosystem, one of the biggest criticisms of the genre has been its reliance on the same formula. Deadpool didn’t give a damn about any of that. We didn’t see Wade Wilson struggle to accept the changes that happened to his body or grapple with the right thing to do with his powers. The Merc with a Mouth loves being a randy, potty-mouthed engine of destruction and, in turn, audiences loved the unpredictable meta-aware romp that Ryan Reynolds, Tim Miller, and crew delivered in 2016. It felt like a movie that did whatever the hell it wanted and that R-rated energy propelled Deadpool to become one of the biggest superhero successes of all time.

Read and relive all these turning points at io9.

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I think my favorite pure Star Wars moment in The Last Jedi is Luke Skywalker confronting Kylo Ren. I mean holy shit how does this not solidify Luke (my favorite character of the entire SW universe) as having an amazing arc, from goofy, loveable (and annoying) farmboy to being THAT!
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Time. Yeah. Don't we all wish. My favorite is still Empire followed, believe it or not, by Rogue One. For me Return, Force Awakens and Last Jedi all rate about the same, they have some flaws but I love them because they are still definitively Star Wars. And they all have some great storytelling. I love the character of Rose in The Last Jedi but I still can't get over how [SPOILERS JUST IN CASE] the entire Casino World sequence just feels like it should be in an entirely different movie. RotJ is similar, I love the story telling but I've never been able to 'love' the Ewok sequences, they just bug me, like it has a completely different tone to the rest of the movie. Nonetheless, for me, they are all Star Wars movies pure and simple.
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Personally, I think it's the best Star Wars film yet, but to be sure, I'd have to go back and watch some of the others again. Not that I would mind that... if I ever get the time.
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I have to say, I think #20 has been so blown out of proportion. I don't think it really 'changed' what Star Wars is at all. I've grown up from the very first episode in 77 (I was 12) and it totally feels like it fits in 'my' star wars universe. If anything it just helped solidify what The Force Awakens did, even with its flaws, and that is they FEEL like Star Wars films. The 3 prequels never did (which is my biggest problem with them).
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