Archive for January 17th, 2018

Universal Dreams

Whoa, fella, there are universal dreams, and then there are your dreams! Have you ever just assumed that others share the same experiences you've had, and then one day you suddenly find out your experience is ou...

Mike Tyson - I'm On The Zoloft - Meet Mellow Man Mike

Mike Tyson - I'm on the Zoloft by RexelRetroMike Tyson used to have a bad reputation based on his wicked temper and tendency to nibble on his opponents' ears, but nowadays Mike is chillin' like Bob Dylan- because he's...

Going Fishing

A little fishing trip is more complicated than just that, when you have to build your world first. Even when that world is on your desk in your bedroom! The result is just as cute as it can be.[

How Americans of the 1960s Really Felt About Nuclear Fallout Shelters

From the literature we see on the internet from the Cold War era, you'd think that everyone had a backyard fallout shelter ready to go in case the Soviets attacked. The truth is that, in 1962, only 1.4% of Americans actu...

A Young Girl Fights Hard To Hang On To Her Childhood In "Lili"

Most kids wonder what it would be like to grow up overnight, because they think the life of a grown up means no school, no set bedtime and no rules, but these thoughts are usually fleeting because it's fun to be a kid.Bu...

The 19th-Century Sham Medicine That Saw Oracles in Orifices

Along with many other dubious medical practices of the 19th century, there was a fad for "orificial surgery." This was promoted by married doctors Edward and Elizabeth Muncie, who opened the Muncie Surf Sanatorium on an...

'CamperForce'- A Documentary About Amazon's Recruiting Of Retired Seniors As Seasonal Workers

Even though Amazon is one of the largest retailers in the world, pulling in hundreds of millions of dollars a year in profit, they hire seasonal workers to fill their boxes for cheap rather than paying a permanent workfo...

Questionable Mythology

I'm sure that the idea of a centaur made some kind of sense to some person at some time, or else we wouldn't have any notion of the mythical beast. The creature doesn't really hold up under scrutiny. It's even more horri...

Is Sitting Too Close to the TV Really Bad for You?

Your parents probably warned you against sitting too close to the TV set. I know mine did, and we only watched a couple of hours a day. The adult in you probably knows this is a myth, and research backs that up. But that...

Original Products That Are Actually Total Ripoffs

When we see something we've never seen before we tend to think of the creator as an innovative and creative individual, and yet many of these creators should probably be referred to as appropriators rather than creators....

The Charming Snowplows of Scotland

Scotland is now dealing with their deepest snow since 2011, up to ten inches in places. To clear the roads, the nation has an armada of snowplows they call gritters. Traffic Scotland has a Gritter Tracker where you can f...

BBC Reporter Tries To Evade China's CCTV Facial Recognition Network

Countries like Russia, the UK and China have chosen to use CCTV networks to monitor activity on their city streets and minimize crime by using the power of the "eye in the sky" to bring criminals to justice.At the same t...

You Have Failed NYC - Don't Worry, Casey Will Be At Bat Again Soon!

You Have Failed NYC by Jedi HipsterWhen you dedicate your life to fighting for your city you wind up putting your very reputation as a hero on the line whenever you go out and fight crime, but Casey Jones was never th...

The Road Movie: A Documentary of Russian Dash Cam Videos

Russian drivers began using dash cams in their vehicles as soon as they were available to the public. They were important for defense against scam artists who demanded payment for being hit. But the cameras across the va...

How Montana Gold Rushers Literally Threw Away a Fortune in Sapphires

They were looking for gold. Prospectors were all over Montana in the mid-19th century, finding both minerals and gemstones, but since they were solely focused on gold, they overlooked the best sapphires in the U.S. They...

La De Da De Da De Da De Day Oh

Bill Wurtz (previously at Neatorama) has done so many nonsense songs that it surprises us to hear one that makes perfect sense. Still, his quirky way of constructing a song lends it a real charm.[

21 Facts You Might Not Know About Rodney Dangerfield

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Rodney Dangerfield was one of the funniest stand-up comedians in the hi...

Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature?

There are blue animals, but the species are small in number compared to the other colors among living things, such as red, orange, yellow, and brown. Sure, when we look up to the sky, we see blue. When we look at the Ear...

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