Archive for January 16th, 2018

Street Photographer Captures The Different Personalities Of Dogs Around The World

Wherever there are people there are dogs coexisting with human populations that are as diverse as they are, and whether they're trying to please their masters or snatch what they can while the humans aren't looking dogs...

An Honest Trailer for It

The movie It based on the novel by Stephen King was a big hit in 2017, so it's about time for Screen Junkies to give it the Honest Trailer treatment. Watching this, it became clear that the producers just assume...

The Minimum Falcon

When you don't have a million LEGO bricks, and you can't afford the official Millennium Falcon kit, you do with what you have. The_Librarian_NULL did quite a great job with limited resources, just like Han Solo would! If...

Take Me Home

There are thousands, if not millions, of pets sitting in pounds, shelters and rescue centers around the world, all of them just waiting for some kind humans to come and take them home.It's important that as many pets as...

Liam Neeson, World's Worst Traveler

Action star Liam Neeson has a new movie in theaters now called The Commuter. The very premise of the movie reminds us of the many films where Neeson travels, and people die. He is the world's worst commuter.&nbs...

Kaiju Play - Stomping Around A City Near You!

Kaiju Play by Kaiju RealmCosplay is okay, and dressing goth or steampunk can be a cool way to declare your individuality, but when you combine the two and go kaiju everything is more fun! There are far too few kaiju p...

The Most Futuristic Things That Happened In 2017

It's nearly 2020, and according to pre-21st century predictions of the future we're behind technologically because we don't have flying cars, fully automated homes or personal laser weaponry.But what we do have are a bun...

How That False Alarm Happened

Saturday morning, residents of Hawaii received an alert of incoming missiles, with a tag that "this is not a drill." Panic ensued, and it was 38 minutes before the news followed that it was a false alarm. How did it happ...

Why American Hate Groups Went After Johnny Cash In The 1960s

Johnny Cash is one of the most famous musicians of all time, and even though he started out playing rockabilly he went on to transcend musical genres to garner an extremely diverse fan base.But as it turns out hate group...

American Movies Renamed for Japan

Hollywood movie titles are often changed for other nations, to more accurately reflect the understanding of the film in a different culture. But when you re-translate those titles back into English, the changes often lea...

These Slightly Twisted Comics Show Everything Wrong With Gyms In January

The Resolutioners are out there, they're in our restaurants ordering salad and skipping carbs, they're in the clothing stores buying "goal pants" that are a size too small, but mostly they're in the gyms trying to burn o...

Found: the Real Bullitt Mustang That Steve McQueen Tried (and Failed) to Buy

One of the greatest chase scenes ever was filmed in the 1968 movie Bullitt. Steve McQueen, as police Lieutenant Frank Bullitt, is pursued by, and then pursues, organized crime figures bent on killing him in a 19...

The Fair Maiden

Epic NPC Man (previously at Neatorama) takes a cockeyed look at the nuts and bolts of gaming, using real people instead of computer graphics. In this video, he explores the moment after the player has fulfilled his quest...

The Top Five Car Jumping Scenes in Movie History

We find a high-speed chase scene thrilling, especially when it goes off the rails. The moment when a car goes airborne is often the most memorable part of the entire film. That how generations of Evel Knievel fans and *e...

Maya the Odd Cat

The Odd Cat Sanctuary in Massachusetts focuses on finding homes for odd cats: feral, disabled, neglected, elderly, or otherwise hard to place cats. They heard about Maya, a cat with a chromosomal abnormality that was hea...

Nose Blowing Pressures and Pronunciation

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Research about physics, phonetics, and expulsioncompiled by Bertha...

Werewaldo - Now Instead Of Finding Him HE FINDS YOU!

Werewaldo by Scott SherwoodKids have been searching for Waldo for decades, and some of them have actually spotted him only to lose track of his whereabouts again when he moves to another location. But as much as kids...

Snow Rollers: Nature’s Winter Treat

Any time there is a lot of snow on a hillside, there's a possibility of snow rollers. This is a natural phenomenon that looks like how you start a snowman by rolling up a bunch of snow. They can sometime form into big wh...

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