(Image credit: NYSDOT)
An ice jam is when a river freezes, then warms up just enough to break up the ice into chunks. The chunks flow downriver until they crash into solid ice, or a bridge, or come to a narrowing of the river. There, the ice builds up and causes flooding. Melting snow and ice from surrounding areas also feed into the flooding. Recent winter weather has caused ice jams all over the eastern US. The home above was flooded by Pine Kill Stream in Sullivan County, New York. The residents were evacuated safely.
Checking out an ice jam on the Rocky River before road conditions deteriorate. #ohwx @NWSCLE pic.twitter.com/2oJ7MEy6HB
— Cory Mottice (@EverythingWX) January 12, 2018
EAST BRADY: empty foundations where mobile homes were displaced by the river flood / ice floe earlier today along Allegheny River #floe #flood #riverflood #pawx @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/nsFGiAGq35
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) January 12, 2018
See more pictures and videos of ice jams at Earther.
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