You Weren’t Supposed To See that Photo

Have you ever accidentally shown someone a picture that you shouldn't have? Something embarrassing or maybe even a little racy? As traumatic as that can be for you, it's also traumatic for the person who saw it -or even just almost saw it- because now things are a bit awkward. That's an understatement, as you'll see. This video from College Humor contains NSFW language and adult themes, but you won't see any nudity.

(YouTube link)

All the more reason I'm glad to have a dumb phone and co-workers I've never met. Not that I have any embarrassing pictures, mind you... -via Geeks Are Sexy

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That's one step from people to whom you show a picture on your phone and without comment, they take the device an start scrolling though your photo library while you frantically try to anticipate what image they could encounter that will make you sink in a pool of shame.
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