The 2004 movie Hellboy features Ro Perlman as Hellboy, a demon turned brawny comic book character fighting against evil supernatural forces to protect Earth. Under the direction of Guillermo Del Toro, the movie did well with both critics and audience. And there was a lot going on behind the scenes of Hellboy.
3. Perlman broke a rib during the subway scene.
He managed to jump onto a train doing forty-five miles an hour and sustained the injury. It probably wasn’t that great of an idea but it made a great shot.
2. The Right Hand of Doom almost became the left hand.
The producers wanted to make it the left hand in order to give Perlman use of his right hand. But they quickly found out that Perlman is left-handed so it worked out just fine.
Fans of Hellboy and the merely curious will want to learn more trivia about the movie at TVOM.