The Beatles Aging Together

Watch a timeline of The Beatles morphing from photo to photo as they age from 1960 to 2017. In 1960, George was 17, Paul was 18, and John was 20. Ringo was also 20, but he didn't join the Beatles until 1962, which means Paul McCartney is the only one that appears in all 57 years. There was no year without music to accompany each shift, from either The Beatles or at least one of them as a solo act.  

(YouTube link)

Angel Nene put this together from publicity photos, concert footage, album covers, interviews, documentaries, and one rather obvious cartoon. There's a list of the songs used at the YouTube page. -via Boing Boing

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I just discovered the original rant last month (never saw the movie). This is a high-larious parody. It should win some kind of an award itself. Thanks.
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You have to give Alec credit. With that one short scene he absolutely steals the movie from some of Hollywood's best actors. Ask anyone what they remember from Glengarry. "Second prize... a set of steak knives."
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A parody of a parody? Maybe an homage to a classic parody. The advice in Glen(garry, Ross) is as useful as The Prince's advice to the 'toons.

Let's face it, papers are dead because of the decision making publishers. 'Toons are dying within the papers for the same reason. They are not really interested in readers. They are interested in advertisers and not getting complaints.

Fear does the opposite of motivate and therein lies the core of the parody.
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