Archive for January 3rd, 2018

When Lewis Carroll Was Suspected of Being Jack the Ripper

The mystery of Jack the Ripper's identity is still a mystery, although many, many men have been named as suspects at one time or another. One of the more far-fetched was Lewis Carroll, who published Alice's Adventure...

Play Star Wars: Battlefront II as Matt the Radar Technician

The funniest thing to arise in the wake of The Force Awakens in 2015 was the SNL skit Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base, in which Kylo Ren disguised himself as a radar technician named Matt to find out w...

Displaying Books Backwards

A viral image of a home decor idea encourages us to display our books with the page edges out, to produce a uniform neutral-color look. What? How would we ever find the book we're looking for? Apparently this has been a...

Kitten Eating a Strawberry

Cats are carnivores. They mainly eat meat. But everyone has a story about a cat they knew who ate melons, or corn, or something else that cats normally don't eat. This kitten is one of those weird cats, but he's not alon...

Friendship Is Bold - I Guess Bats And Ponies Get Along After All!

Friendship is Bold by Shin GallonThe Caped Crusader has teamed up with some strange characters over the years, but his adventures in Equestria take the cake in terms of strangeness! But weirdness always follows in the...

Tired Of All The Negative News Stories? Here's The Good Stuff That Happened In 2017

The bad definitely overshadowed the good in 2017, and all the bad news and dark facts about the future of our planet brought some people down in a major way and made others stop reading the news entirely.So, sick of read...

Life is NOT a Journey

British philosopher Alan Watts has an important reminder for all of us. Even though we are raised to look at everything we do as a progression towards a goal, that's not how it is. Sure, some things are a journe...

The Deer In This Adorable Animated Short Is All Shook Up!

It's rare for a deer to want to sleep indoors, partly because their antlers keep getting stuck on stuff and partly because it makes them feel like a trapped lunch just waiting for a hungry predator or gun-toting hunter.B...

Why Robots Are Killers

We don't build robots to be killers. We just treat our existing robots badly enough to make them homicidal. Anyone who's worked under a boss with a profound empathy deficit can relate. This fairly disgusting story is bro...

Cyanide & Happiness Presents The Funeral

I recently posted an article about the new funeral traditions we should expect to see in the next ten years but do you know what new tradition is not on that list?Anything to do with desecrating a corpse or tossing the b...

Thomas Edison’s Forgotten Sci-Fi Novel

Thomas Edison held over a thousand patents for gadgets that changed the world. Many he invented, and the ones that he appropriated from other people still found success by being associated with Edison. You might not know...

Why Vitamin C And Zinc Don't Help Prevent Or Cure Colds

Medical science has progressed so much in the last 100 years that knowledge once believed to be tried and true about the treatment and prevention of illness has proven to be pure nonsense.People used to believe in the he...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Bright Lights Big City

Bright Lights Big City is a 1988 movie starring Michael J. Fox as a man whose life is falling apart. He confronts a death in the family, divorce, job loss, drug use, depression, and pretty much everything that c...

A Look At The Amazing Models Built By WETA Workshop For Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 may not have lived up to the hype at the box office, but it definitely delivered the goods in the visual department thanks in part to the amazing models made by the artists at the Weta Workshop...

New Latin State Mottos

Dani Bostick at McSweeney's Internet Tendencies brings us a list of proposed state mottos that are more realistic and descriptive than their existing mottos. They aren't always as flattering as those state governments wo...

Types Of Stars - Space Out

Types of Stars by AndropovWhen you stare at all those points of light in the night sky do you ever wonder what you're seeing out there? Maybe you're seeing a poor failed star who couldn't grow big enough to shine brig...

Horseback-Riding Cat

Horse trainer Emma Massingale has a pony named Comet and a cat named Louis. They are good friends who go on adventures together. Louis doesn't need a saddle when he goes horseback riding; a horse blanket will do, but a s...

Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook."It'll make a helluva story. Is it true?"  -Steven Spielberg afte...

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