Taking a road trip with friends and loved ones can be fun as long as they carry their fair share of the financial load, do their fair share of the driving, and help you stay awake while you're driving.
But some people can't ride in a car more than ten minutes without falling asleep, which makes them terrible copilots, and yet when that person is your wife you have no choice but to take them along and hope they don't snore.
Redditor MrMagoo21 shared all the "fun" road trip pics he has taken while his wife slumbers away, and despite the fact that she sleeps while he drives during every road trip MrMagoo21 says he has no hard feelings:
“I’ve always attributed it to more of a Pavlov’s dogs situation,” he said about her passion for naps. “She got car sick really easily as a kid and her mom would give her some motion sickness medicine that would usually knock her out on long trips. Just figured she has been subliminally trained at this point to fall asleep at the sound of an engine running.”
-Via Bored Panda
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