Archive for December 22nd, 2017

It's a Wonderful Life is 90% a Horror Film

The first time I saw It's a Wonderful Life, around 1986, I was alone at home and had never heard of the movie. It was depressing, long, and got more depressing as it went. I couldn't figure out where the story w...

Lazy Christmas! - Sloths Don't Do Calendars

Lazy Christmas! by RaffitiNobody does last minute Christmas shopping like a sloth, because to them last minute means they'll be getting together for Christmas some time around March. Sloths were never too good with th...

2017 Star Wars Christmas Light Show

Matt Johnson's 2017 Christmas light show is a contradiction in terms. Who does Christmas lights with the theme of the dark side? And in a year we see the very first Star Wars movie with barely any trace of Darth...

Key Events In The History Of Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Once upon a time, you thought you were the only person who had to endure wearing a Christmas sweater that was too cheesy to be cool. It was even worse when that sweater was an actual Christmas gift, meaning you had to ac...

The Try Guys Make The Ultimate Holiday Calendar

The holiday calendars people create to raise money tend to fall into two categories- sexy or cute.The cute ones make a great gift for your grandma and sell pretty well overall, but if you want people to talk about your c...

7 Times Animals Bit Off More Than They Could Chew in 2017

National Geographic News came up with a cute idea for a year-end list. There were quite a few animal stories about creatures eating, including a couple that thought they could chew up an automobile. Most of the stories a...

Jingle Bells Is Turned Into A Hauntingly Sad Song When Played In A Minor Key

Jingle Bells is one of the most cheerful of all holiday songs, and people can't help but smile and get in the holiday spirit when they gather 'round with friends and family and sing Jingle Bells.But as...

RIP Etsy Shop That Only Existed in My Head

Dami Lee did a comic about her experience of taking a pottery class. This is only the first portion. The rest of the comic follows her heartbreak at finding out that nothing is as easy as it seems at first. In turn, the...

This Year IKEA Surprised Its 14,000 Employees With A High Tech Holiday Bonus

'Tis the season for giving, and while retail stores take their employee's time by making them work extra hours most employers make it worth their while by giving them a holiday bonus to thank them for all their hard work...

7 Global Christmas Food Traditions Americans Should Adopt

Tradition is great, but if your Christmas celebrations need to be spiced up, you can incorporate someone else's tradition into your holiday. If pork is your go-to Christmas dinner main dish, the Philippines do it up righ...

People Who Tried Face Swap On A Baby And Ended Up With A Terrifying Pic

(Image Link)I just can't get enough of those face swap pics people post online, because when the swap works out right the pics look so damn funny it's criminal.We've seen people swap faces with their dogs and various ani...

A Nice Cat-themed Secret Santa Gift

Every year, thousands of people participate in reddit's Secret Santa gift exchange. Although it is not a competition, the metaphoric brass ring goes to the person whose name is drawn by Bill Gates. The Microsoft founder...

Pat Rick And Sponge Mort - Now That's One Crazy Cartoon Crossover!

Pat Rick and Sponge Mort by kgullholmenMorty and his kooky grandpa have gone on some really dumb adventures over the years, but their trip to Bikini Bottom takes the cake in terms of stupidity! Naturally this means Mo...

Movie Superheroes vs. Comic Book Superheroes

There's no way Hollywood can render a movie superhero who look exactly like the comic book original, because people aren't drawn that way. But some of them are pretty darn close, especially the better-known characters li...

The Australian Wilderness

Did you know that koalas can stretch their necks upward to reach tasty leaves and pull in internet wifi? And that the European wasp survives mainly on coffee? Just make sure to avoid the pizza snake![

Office Christmas Contests

There were a lot of office Christmas parties in the last couple of days. Some of these workplaces try to boost holiday spirits by staging a contest. Who will go out of their way to dress in a Christmas theme? Some people...

The Perfect Teacher Gift

Mary and Paul Sommers of Dayton, Ohio, sent all three of their children through the same Catholic grade school. This is the final year for their youngest son, Jake. To show their appreciation for the patience they employ...

The Dancing King

Instead of an iron fist, King Louis XIV ruled with his dancing shoes.In 1692, a young French aristocrat visiting King Louis XIV’s royal court was asked if he knew how to dance. The cocky aristocrat...

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