It's supposedly rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but where are you going to hear inane rambling, deranged conspiracy theories or conversations so vapid they lower your IQ if you don't eavesdrop?
Writers, artists and other students of human nature love to eavesdrop because it gives them real life reference for their works, and illustrator Avner Geller has heard so many stupid and funny conversations he decided to start drawing them all.
Avner calls his project #ThingsThatIHear, and it all started with a real-life first world problem he overheard in the wild:
The idea for “#ThingsThatiHear” arrived when I was visiting a cookware store in Los Angeles. A young woman was looking at her phone and gave a big sigh, turned to her friend decisively and exclaimed, “He wants to go to Bali. But I say Fiji!” I couldn’t help but laugh. The absurdity of this “first world problem” was too much. From that moment on I started to catch all sorts of real-life conversations, that eventually turned into these illustrations.
The characters in the world of “#ThingsThatiHear” are people we all know: They are our office mates who complain to us about the daily grind. They are the awful online date we are trying so hard to forget. They are the people silently stalking our Facebook. More than anything they are the US when we think no one is listening.
See more from I Often Overhear People Say Funny Things, So I Started Illustrating Them here