Archive for December 8th, 2017

The Christmas Wrapping Lesson

Stavanger Foto is a photography store in Norway. They do funny Christmas cards every year. This year, the staff recreated the painting The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp that Rembrandt painted when he was o...

YouTuber Rescued from Microwave in Stunt Gone Wrong

Jay Swingler and Romell Henry of Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, UK, do dangerous stunts for their YouTube channel TGFbro. When you continue to amp things up for the audience, sooner or later something will go wrong.  Bu...

The Penguin Who Knew Too Much - Something Is Fishy About This Case

The Penguin Who Knew Too Much by Steven RhodesSam Slade was heading toward another dead end in his murder investigation when he discovered a strange clue he'd somehow missed the first time around- a small, webbed foot...

The Second to Last Jedi

If Star Wars were an opera, or even a Broadway musical, the producers could do much worse than to hire Whitney Avalon to write the tunes. In this song, she narrates what is going through her head as she struggle...

What Happens To Condoms When They Sit In Your Drawer For Years?

If movies that star inanimate objects come to life like Sausage Party are to be believed then all condoms hope to be put to use after they've been purchased, even though that means they'll wind up in the trash o...

Here's to 2017

Once again, Beutler Ink has produced a year-end poster paying tribute to the newsmakers, celebrities, trends, and memes of the closing year, titled Here's to 2017. This year, that involves a lot of details. I'm happy tha...

Why Can't I Sleep?

It used to take a steady supply of hard drugs, strong coffee or pills to get so strung out you couldn't sleep at night, but nowadays all you need is a computer screen or a smartphone to get totally cracked out.Because if...

The Evolution of the Movie Trailer

What's the best way to promote a film? Show a small portion of it to movie fans! And where are those movie fans? In the theaters! That's how trailers got started. Now you see them on TV and online, too, and probably on o...

Can You Spot The Sheep Among The Santas?

Are you ready to stare at a picture full of objects to find one specific object again? Of course you are!As usual this picture of something hidden among other things is brought to you by Hungarian artist Gergely Dud&aacu...

How Anthony Daniels Gives C-3PO an Unlikely Dash of Humanity

Anthony Daniels is 71 years old, and still playing the droid C-3PO in the Star Wars saga. C-3PO is one of the few elements of the series that never changes, since he is mechanical and is as good as new with repl...

Ladies' Night

Being a cat lady is not something you can turn on and off like a light. It's a lifestyle. My older daughter used to carry a camera everywhere. When she visited friends, she didn't take pictures of the friends, or what ac...

If You Ever Feel Sad Just Remember This- Horses Can Grow Moustaches

(Image Link)Horses are noble and elegant creatures and truly one of the most beautiful animals in the world, but did you know they're also the hirsute heroes of the animal kingdom?With beautiful manes and tails that can...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Animated Film Charlotte’s Web

I cried when I first read the book Charlotte's Web, and in some subsequent readings, too. I cried when I watch the animated film in 1973. And I cried at the live-action remake in 2006, although my kids didn't un...

Goblin Christmas - All He Wants Is A Baby Boy Of His Own

Goblin Christmas by StationjackChristmas is a time to hang around and catch up with old friends, so if it has been quite a while since you dropped in on Jareth and the odd creatures who call his Labyrinth home why not...

Animals Hugging Humans

It's time for a little warm-and-fuzzy break! Take a few minutes and revel in seeing all kinds of animals giving hugs to people (or vice-versa). We have cows, chimpanzees, parrots, fish, elephants, poultry, bears, pigs, g...

The Krane Hotel

Here's a hotel room you will tell your grandchildren about. TheKrane is an abandoned crane at the harbor in Copenhagen, a real crane, converted into an overnight suite for two. The experience won't be cheap (currently &e...

Who Will Die in The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale?

AMC has promised that the mid-season eight finale of The Walking Dead will have a shocking and devastating moment for the audience. We are not surprised, as that's the kind of talk we hear about every episode. B...

What's in a Name: Nominative Determinism in Medicine

(Image credit: Flickr user MR38.)Nominative determinism is the hypothesis that people tend to gravitate toward a profession that is reflected in their name. The Wikipedia page cites a 1977 article titled "The Urethral Sy...

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