Once again, Beutler Ink has produced a year-end poster paying tribute to the newsmakers, celebrities, trends, and memes of the closing year, titled Here's to 2017. This year, that involves a lot of details. I'm happy tha...
It used to take a steady supply of hard drugs, strong coffee or pills to get so strung out you couldn't sleep at night, but nowadays all you need is a computer screen or a smartphone to get totally cracked out.Because if...
Being a cat lady is not something you can turn on and off like a light. It's a lifestyle. My older daughter used to carry a camera everywhere. When she visited friends, she didn't take pictures of the friends, or what ac...
Here's a hotel room you will tell your grandchildren about. TheKrane is an abandoned crane at the harbor in Copenhagen, a real crane, converted into an overnight suite for two. The experience won't be cheap (currently &e...