We all want to ditch work every once in a while so we can go out and have some fun, and the more stressful and unrewarding the job the more we dream about bailing on our employer.
Some alleviate these urges to bail by taking a sick day, having someone cover their shift so they can spend a day away from the office or cashing in their vacation days.
But senior union delegate Tom Colella decided lying was the way to go, so he could spend his days golfing and still get paid. So he figured out a way to fool the company PDA he'd been issued that tracked his location at all times- by putting it inside a potato chip bag.
Somehow the foil inside the bag masked the PDA's signal, allowing him to go off the radar and hit the golf course, and he used this trick to go golfing on the company's dime some 140 times over a two-year period.
Tom was fired immediately when his employer found out about his deception, and now Tom has all the time in the world to go golfing, that is, until he's so broke he can't even afford a bag of potato chips!
-Via Shared