Emojis are either a really cool feature for messaging apps or a dumb and useless gimmick depending on who you ask, but the fact that we're all using smartphones these days means we see emojis all the time.
And even though people love to argue about discuss what certain emojis actually mean they should really be discussing why each phone company has to have a different look for their emojis.
Don't they know their interpretation of these emojis will only end up fueling further debate about what each emoji actually means?
Here are two examples that show how some companies (mainly Samsung) seem to miss the point entirely with their versions of popular emojis:
Apple: Way to miss the point.
Google: Ugh. Oh boy. Nice one. NOT!
Samsung: Heh, heh. Neato.2. SNAKE
Apple: Beware!
Google: Beware?
Samsung: Aww. Snakey-poo.
See 22 Emojis That Look Completely Different On Different Phones at Mental Floss
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