The 1982 fantasy The Dark Crystal was an artistic breakthrough in puppetry and visuasl effects, thanks to directors Jim Henson and Frank Oz. However, it didn't do as well as expected at the box office thanks to its dark story that gave parents pause, but even more because of the juggernaut E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial that was playing in theaters at the time. But it gained a lot of exposure on home video, and generations of kids have enjoyed the movie since. Let's learn some more about The Dark Crystal.
8. It was banned in Islamic countries.
It was felt that too much of the film resembled their modern religious culture and could not be allowed. Any copies that were found in these countries were destroyed.
7. Henson wanted the film to be dark.
He didn’t want to frighten kids but he did want them to feel just a bit scared and understand what it was like to work through it. Look at half of the fairy tales that kids have been hearing for decades now, the Dark Crystal is tame in comparison.
The only thing I knew about The Dark Crystal before reading this list was that it was a Jim Henson film. The rest I learned in a trivia list at TVOM.