Archive for November 30th, 2017

Max the Library Cat Fan Art

Max is not allowed in the library. But everyone wants Max to go where he wants. Max has an Instagram gallery that he shares with his sister Gracie, and fan art has been filtering in about Max and his quest to visit the M...

Ungrateful Pool - Hacky Sack Doesn't Involve A Sword Wade!

Ungrateful Pool by Mitch LudwigWorking as a merc for hire can fill you with anxiety and anger, and after decades of mowing down the competition Wade felt he was due for a little DP me time- so he decided to follow the...

The Remains Of Chinese Laborers Found In Peruvian Pyramid

Archaeologists have discovered one strange fact regarding slavery that's rewriting many history books- Chinese slaves and indentured laborers appear to have more of an impression on the world than anyone thought.We know...

Carol of the Pugs

We can't expect dogs to appreciate the holidays as much as we do, or even the way cats do. Dogs already appreciate everything we give them, every day, so the holidays are just another time to be their joyful, wonderful s...

Photographer Takes Polaroids Of The Weird Posters She Comes Across In NYC

There's all sorts of strange and interesting stuff to see on the streets of New York City, and even though some of the stuff you see will scar you for life there's plenty of other stuff that will make you laugh and total...

Advertising His Power

Griff had a birthday, and made sure everyone knew it. You can do that when you're the only one at work who knows how to change the sign. He didn't post this picture at reddit, but he did join in to explain when extramedi...

Basically Every MMO Ever

MMOs come in all kinds of different play styles, genres and artistic looks for the character designs but they all seem to have two things in common- too many dungeons that require a group and too few female players.This...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Dark Crystal

The 1982 fantasy The Dark Crystal was an artistic breakthrough in puppetry and visuasl effects, thanks to directors Jim Henson and Frank Oz. However, it didn't do as well as expected at the box office thanks to...

Watch Epic NPC Man Season By Season With These Supercuts

The web series NPC Man has been showing us how strange the world of video games can be for quite some time now, and since there are five seasons of the series it's easy to miss an episode or two, even though each episode...

Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing

In a case of fake news that goes back 150 years, the many accounts of the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis tended to focus on what he was wearing at the time. After Lee surrendered to the Union Army at Ap...

Cyanide And Happiness Presents "Green Light"

It always makes me feel weird when people say "someone up there is looking out for you" because I never know who they're talking about and I'm afraid to ask because I don't know if they're religious or not and I don't wa...

How Hummingbirds Drink

Hummingbird tongues are super weird. They are so long that when not in use, they are coiled around the bird's skull. They are forked at the end, and each fork curls up into a not-quite-closed tube. The birds use these we...

MYAWW - A Kitten Can Melt Even The Coldest Of Hearts

MYAWW by Harebrained DesignPeople think Skeletor is a heartless bastard based on the fact that he's constantly plotting ways to take over Eternia and because he has no meat on his face, but deep inside that super buff...

Vintage Photos Of Gangsters, Prostitutes And Drag Queens From Tokyo's Red Light District

Tokyo has a wild and wooly Red Light District just like any other big city in the world, but like everything else in life the Japanese version of Hooker's Hideaway is more diverse and more interesting than the rest.Where...

William Zeitler Demonstrates the Glass Armonica

Benjamin Franklin invented a complicated musical instrument called the glass armonica as a way of simplifying the usual method of playing music on wine glasses. William Zeitler explains how it works and then shows us wha...

Questionable Life Hacks You Should Totally Try

Life hacks are supposed to improve our lives and make annoying tasks easier to manage, and these life hacks are usually "invented" by people who came up with a quick and easy way to do something on the fly.However, their...

"Strawberry Fields Forever" John Lennon's Beatle Masterpiece

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.In looking over John Lennon's finest compositions as a Beatle, choosing...

Jedi Confidential: Inside the Dark New Star Wars Movie

When The Force Awakens came out in 2015, viewers found it to be oddly similar to the first Star Wars movie, now called A New Hope. Indications are that The Last Jedi might resemble *em...

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