The 10 Most Expensive Movie Flops of All Time

When we think of expensive movie flops, Ishtar and Heaven's Gate come to mind. However, a lot of movies have been made since those two earned headlines for losing money. Production budgets are bigger and promotional budgets are astronomical in the 21st century, and neither historic flop made the list of the ten biggest financial turkeys. Coming in at #7 is The Lone Ranger.

Production budget: $225 million | Loss: $98 million

The 2013 western from Disney reunited the dream team of Gore Verbinski, Jerry Bruckheimer and Johnny Depp after numerous, highly profitable Pirates of the Caribbean instalments.

This should be box-office gold, right?

Not quite. The production ran into trouble, costs escalated and the whole thing was nearly shut down before it was completed. When it finally hit cinema screens, The Lone Ranger was slammed by critics and shunned by audiences.

The film wasn't a total wash-out though – it received two Oscar nominations (for 'Visual Effects' and 'Makeup and Hairstyling').

While the list is based on dollar amounts, the top ten only changed by one movie when the numbers were adjusted for inflation. Check out the list of the ten biggest financial flops at Digital Spy. You might be embarrassed to see one or two of your favorite films in there.  -via The Mary Sue

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The problem with Sinbad was the NOT subtle CGI animation. It was like watching two movies mashed together and visually it didn't work. Dreamworks should have learned not that traditional animation is bad, but being lazy with it IS. They should have gone all-traditional animation, it would have been much much better to look at.
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