Man Makes Huge Leap Over Road

Saying you live a hop, skip and jump down the road is just an expression for most people, but for the guy in this video it's not just an expression or an empty boast- it's a claim he can easily back up by literally leaping across the road.

It's unclear whether the guy is a long jump champion or a human-frog hybrid, but whatever the case he has definitely proven he knows how to cross a road better than a chicken!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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I find screen real estate much more precious on my phone that computer, so bad framing is much more obvious on the phone. Whether because of vertical video syndrome or letterboxed horizontal video, the horizontal action ends up small on a vertical phone. At least in the latter case one has the option of turning their phone without trying to reframe it via zoom.
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I would love it if everyone makes videos in landscape mode. But that's because I am a blogger who uses a computer. Meanwhile, every day there are more and more people who only watch videos on their phone, which they hold upright because that's the way they hold it for texting and talking. Makes me feel like a dinosaur.
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