The secret to losing weight is there are lots of secrets to losing weight, so you just have to discover what works best for your body type and try to stick to the plan.
My body type works best with a high protein diet, so if I cut the carbs and increase my lean protein intake I can lose weight without much effort at all. Other people can eat all the carbs they want and still lose weight, but sometimes it's the little changes that make all the difference.
Did you know the smell of vanilla can help you resist the temptation to eat too many sweets?
The study was done in St. George Hospital in London, and researchers found those who wore vanilla-scented patches lost more weight than those wearing no patch or a lemon patch. Researchers believe the sweet smell of vanilla helped appease the need for something sweet, and participants who smelled vanilla were less likely to overeat sweets.
It also helps to use common sense and keep your portion sizes smaller, stop eating when you're full and prepare less food so you don't overeat, but strangely dimming the lights can actually help you lose weight too:
A 2012 study found just changing how dim the lights are in a fast-food restaurant helped people eat less food. What they ordered didn't change, but how much they ate did.
Researchers found dimming the lights lengthened the eating time, suggesting a more relaxed atmosphere increases satisfaction and decreases how much food you eat. While this study was in a restaurant, dimming the lights in your own home could have the same effect on food intake.
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