It must be fun for photographers to take photos for stock photography sites, because they get to set up and shoot hundreds, if not thousands, of different shots just to make sure they're supplying stuff for every possible demand.
And since they're fulfilling a visual media need stock photographers get away with shooting stuff no other photographer could, like pics of smoking babies, suicidal Santa fans and teens posing for assault rifle selfies.
How much do you pay a baby to pose for photos anyway? Do you pay them more if they bring their own cigarettes?
Video game journalist Andy Kelly can't answer those questions, but he does have a knack for finding the darkest and most bizarre stock photos on the 'net, which he shares via his Dark Stock Photos Twitter feed. Give it a follow then sit back and watch the strange and demented photos roll in!
— Dark Stock Photos (@darkstockphotos) November 16, 2017
-Via Dangerous Minds