Police Bust Police

Detroit had a scene right out of a police TV show last week, but it wasn't Law & Order. It was more like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Police Squad! or Reno 911. Officers from both the 11th precinct and the 12th precinct were in a neighborhood known for heavy drug traffic, ready to bust perpetrators. However, neither squad knew about the other squad's plans. What could possibly go wrong? 

Sources say it started when two special ops officers from the 12th Precinct were operating a "push off" on Andover near Seven Mile. That is when two undercover officers pretend to be dope dealers, waiting for eager customers to approach, and then arrest potential buyers and seize their vehicles.

But this time, instead of customers, special ops officers from the 11th Precinct showed up. Not realizing they were fellow officers, they ordered the other undercover officers to the ground.

FOX 2 is told the rest of the special ops team from the 12th Precinct showed up, and officers began raiding a house in the 19300 block of Andover. But instead of fighting crime, officers from both precincts began fighting with each other.

Sources say guns were drawn and punches were thrown while the homeowner stood and watched.

Two police officers were injured. Detroit Police Chief James Craig held a press conference Monday to address the incident.

“This is probably one of the most embarrassing things I’ve seen in this department,”

-via Metafilter

(Image credit: Flickr user Don Harder)

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So the scene from Benson episode "Double Trouble" .. actually occurs. Huh. https://youtu.be/y9XsvKmDPkw?t=490 . That's the one where Benson works with the FBI to investigate bribery in politics, only the person he takes the bribe from is also with the FBI. "Not again." "What to you mean, 'not again'?" "Well this sort of thing happens from time to time. ... "Don't you ever check with your department?" "Don't *you* ever check with your department?"
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