The 1993 film Schindler's List was a very personal project for Steven Spielberg. He did not take a salary for directing the movie, and did not expect it to be a hit, but took great pains to tell the story accurately, intelligently, and emotionally. It worked: the film was a critical and box office smash and won seven Academy Awards. Actors Liam Neeson (as Oskar Schindler), Ralph Fiennes, and Ben Kingsley starred in the film that told the story of a German factory owner who sheltered more than a thousand Jewish refugees in Poland by employing them in defiance of Nazi authorities -which he accomplished by spending his fortune in bribes. You might want to learn some of the behind-the-scenes facts about Schindler's List.
10. Clothing had to be found for 20,000 extras.
The costume designer had to take out advertisements to find enough clothing to suit all the extras, and as a result they found people willing to sell clothing that was from the 30’s and 40’s.
9. When one of the survivors met Ralph Fiennes she began to shake uncontrollably.
Mila Pfefferberg was a survivor from this horrible time and Fiennes resembled his character Amon Goth so much that she couldn’t control her reaction.
Read more trivia about Schindler's List at TVOM.
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