The members of Monty Python aren't just about TV or movies. They make comedy wherever they go. I found a comment at reddit that told a story about the recreation of Shakespeare's Globe Theater in London. John Cleese made some big donations, as you can see from this picture of embedded stone tiles with the donor's names. I found confirmation of the story from other sources.
The bigger the donation, the bigger the tile. He pointed out two, which he explained were his favorites. They were both purchased by John Cleese (if you need me to explain who that is, stop reading my blog this instant). He purchased one tile for himself, and one for fellow Python member Michael Palin. He paid extra for Palin’s plaque, under one stipulation …
They had to spell Palin’s last name wrong.
I just about died.
The joke was not publicized, but is pointed out by tour guides at the Globe. That's one that will outlast every member of the troupe. -via reddit
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