In the 21st century, we have what seems like dozens of new superhero movies every year. That doesn't mean the superhero movie is a new phenomena. In between the movies Superman and Batman in the 1980s, there was Supergirl in 1984, starring Helen Slater. The movie was not well-received, although Slater's performance was. She just couldn't hold up the film alone while everything else about it fell apart.
Peter O’Toole and Faye Dunaway Were Not So Well-Received
In contrast to Slater, Peter O’Toole and Faye Dunaway’s performances as Zaltar and Selena were not so well-received. This can be seen in how the two managed to win nominations for the Golden Raspberry Awards for the Worst Actor and the Worst Actress.
Christopher Reeve Failed to Make an Appearance
Initially, Christopher Reeve was supposed to make an appearance in Supergirl in his role as Superman. However, he bowed out, with the result that his absence had to be explained by a newscast within the movie announcing that Superman was visiting another galaxy.
Read more about what went into the movie Supergirl at TVOM.