Archive for November 14th, 2017

8 Ways Spiders Are Creepily Clever

There are so many different types of spiders in the world, it's no wonder that they evolved different ways to do their spider-things. Some of them have super powers! Spider-Man uses his "spidey sense" to detect danger, b...

What Would You Do If You Saw A Sabertooth Tiger Strolling Down The Sidewalk?

It would be strange to see a sabertooth tiger strutting around a modern city, since the science behind Jurassic Park never became mainstream. And yet when people spotted a sabertooth walking in L.A. back in 2012...

What Is Your Wish?

In just four panels, this comic shifts gears several times, but tells a coherent tale. By the end, you realize that it never had anything to do with a genie in a lamp, except for the idea of asking for your wish. How man...

Facehugger Feast Roasted Chicken

Last year, Tye Lombardi made a Chestburster Turkey for Thanksgiving, and was told to never do that again. She said okay, and then developed a recipe for Facehugger Roasted Chicken. Behold the horror.Made from a full-size...

American Things Europeans Find Weird

We Americans know that the rest of the world sees us as rich, obese, and armed. There are quite a few other aspects of life that we take for granted but seem weird to Europeans. While food and gas are relatively cheap in...

Recognizing Pop Culture Symbols

How many pop culture logos would you recognize? Are you more familiar with logos and symbols from TV, movies, comic books, or video games? did a survey of over a thousand people to see which of 181 pop culture...

Things You Should Never Say To Your Server

(Image Link)Everybody enjoys going out to eat at a restaurant every once in a while, and we all know we're expected to tip our servers at the end of the meal, but beyond that people seem to be a bit clueless about proper...

What To Do If Your Parachute Fails

Austin McConnell tells you very quickly what you should do if your parachute fails, apparently because you Googled this video when it happened. Yeah, it would have been better if you paid attention before you jumped out...

Gear Up For Some Holiday Fun With A New NeatoShop T-Shirt Or Hoodie

IT-mas Sweater by Wolf KrusemarkThe flood of Christmas crap seems to roll in the day after Halloween these days, and yet it's hard to find cool holiday attire that appeals to our nerdy sensibilities aside from the same...

Squeaky Farms Brand Genuine Animal Milk - Expiration Date? Don't Ask Questions...

Squeaky Farms Brand Genuine Animal Milk by PennyTeesWhen Fat Tony takes over a business from some down on his luck dufus who owes him money he takes it over all the way by "meeting" all the distributors and retailers...

The Idiot's Guide to Japanese Squat Toilets

Chef Jun Yoshizuki and his wife Rachel (previously at Neatorama) give us westerners some tips about confronting squat toilets, which are found all over Asia. Watch as Rachel suffers from STSD- Squat Toilet Stress Disorde...

Taco Bell's New Clothing Line Is Way Fresher Than Their Food

Fast food companies keep coming up with advertising gimmicks that involve clothing in order to appeal to the younger, hipper consumers they're trying to bring in to their restaurants.Some of these fast food fashions beco...

Stories of Kindness

Monday was World Kindness Day. The Washington Post published stories from all kinds of people about a kindness they received that had a lasting impact. In response, the comments have many more such stories. And so does M...

What Happens If You Survive The Apocalypse But Only Have One Pair Of Contacts?

Have you ever seen the The Twilight Zone episode called "Time Enough At Last"?It's about a guy who just wants uninterrupted time to read, which he finally finds in a post-apocalyptic world reduced to rubble by a...

Tears Research

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!General Research About Lachrymal Fluidscompiled by Alice Shirrell...

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