Archive for November 8th, 2017

Driverless Shuttle Bus Involved in Crash on First Day

When you teach kids to drive, you stress that the top priority is to not hit anything. The second priority is to keep other cars from hitting you. It turns out that a driverless shuttle was good at the former, not so muc...

Boromir's Job Interview for the Fellowship of the Ring

Boromir is a brave warrior, and dedicated to the cause. But there's one omen that seals his fate, as illustrated by this comic from Is It Canon. The tagline is,You either have to pronounce it "Seen Been" or "Shawn Bawn."...

7 Weird Alarm Clocks Put to the Test

Taras Kulakov, or the Crazy Russian Hacker, got a hold of some newfangled alarm clocks that make getting out of bed an ordeal. You know, the kind that require you to actually wake up in order to turn them off. They come...

A Rare Carved Stone That Could Change Art History

In 2016, archaeologists unearthed the grave of a man who died around 1500 B.C in Pylos, Greece. He's now called the "Griffin Warrior." One of the artifacts found was a small stone less than an inch and half wide, encrust...

Triangle Solo

Stuart Malina was conducting the Florida Orchestra through "In the Hall of the Mountain King" at a Coffee Concert in St. Petersburg when principle percussionist John Shaw went a little wild with the triangle.[https://you...

These Pants Will Give You Fried Chicken Legs

Fashionable folks looking for a fresh new style have taken to wearing food-inspired clothing, which makes them look so delicious even supermodels want to gobble them up.But no foodie fashion has ever made the wearer look...

How the "Rose Mary Stretch" Sold Watergate to the People

The most maddening clue in the Watergate investigation was a mysterious 18.5-minute silence in one of the White House tapes. President Richard Nixon curiously recorded all White House interactions, but we'll never know w...

An Animated Short About A Cat, A Dog And The Bakery Of Their Dreams

Working towards your goals and striving for success are both admirable pursuits in life, but it's easy to get so caught up in achieving your goals that you lose sight of the other things in life that are just as importan...

When Was "A Long Time Ago"?

The Star Wars saga takes place “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” which should put it completely out of the reach of human interference. But fandoms don't work like that, particularl...

Fishnet Stalking - Fresh Caught Shoes Are The Tastiest!

Fishnet Stalking by AnarKissedIf you're looking to change up your style so it fits your killer new attitude then stop fishing in the discount racks and slip on a pair of Fishnet Stalking heels, the shoes so sharp even...

Virtual Vehicles Are Destroyed As They Drive Over 100+ Speed Bumps At High Speed

Driving over speed bumps at low speed won't harm your vehicle, but drive over them too fast and those bumps can wreak havoc on your car, especially if you drive over a bunch of them in a row.But have you ever wondered ho...

The Top Five Greatest Christopher Walken Yelling Scenes in Movies

Actor Christopher Walken is tops in employing a deadpan, inscrutable facial expression that's difficult for other characters to read. This makes him either a generic everyman, or else an eerie stranger, depending on what...

How To Get A Toddler To Fall Asleep In The Car

As a new father I'm sure I'll be searching online for tips and fatherly advice when I have questions, but most of all I'll be consulting the video series How To Dad because the dad in the vids really has his head togethe...

24 Brutally Honest Confessions From A Dermatologist

A Scottish dermatologist with 30 years of experience reveals a list of things that skin doctors would like the public to know. They take care of a myriad of conditions affecting the largest organ in our bodies, and they...

An Honest Trailer for Stranger Things

Screen Junkies does an Honest Trailer for the Netflix series Stranger Things. I've learned more from this trailer than from all the fan tributes I've seen -and I've seen a lot of them.[

Introverts Confess How Far They've Gone To Avoid People

Introversion can be rated on a scale of One, meaning if you have a few more conversations with random strangers you'll be a low level extrovert, to Ten for never going outside, or meeting another soul in person, again....

The Curious Animosity of Fred and Ethel Mertz

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.I Love Lucy would probably correctly be identified as being the most po...

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