Archive for November 5th, 2017

Don’t Smile at Wolves

You know that showing your teeth means you are smiling, but wolves interpret it as the baring of teeth, which is a challenge. You've been warned. Smiling at wolves is the last thing you want to do, but as it turns out, t...

Why Are Some Theaters Refusing To Play The Last Jedi?

Disney did well with the movie The Force Awakens a couple of years ago, but the House of Mouse didn't pay four billion dollars for the Lucasfilm just to "do well." When The Last Jedi opens next month, D...

Jerk Moves For Winning Board Games

I love playing board games with my nerdy friends by I can't stand it when they become overly competitive because that takes all the fun out of it for me- plus those bastards always cheat.These Type A gamers need to be pu...

Crystal Clear Pumpkin Pie

The experimental kitchen at Chicago restaurant Alinea has produced a transparent pie that tastes just like traditional pumpkin pie. Created by executive chef Mike Bagale and chef de cuisine Simon Davies, it's not the kin...

The Adorable Squid Boy

Due to the commercialization of geek culture way more boys and girls wore Cthulhu costumes for Halloween this year than ever before, a trend which may result in the end of the world as we know it.For it seems the fools w...

The Little Ren Prince - That's One Sad Little Sith!

The Little Ren Prince by quietdunaRen wasn't born in isolation, but over the years his unresolved personal issues and desire for revenge have driven him far, far away from the people he used to know and love. Naturally...

Meet Quimera

(Image credit: gataquimera) Look at this beautiful cat! On her left side, she is a black cat with a blue eye, and on her right side, she's a ginger. If you look at the rest of Quimera, you see that her pied look wra...

Movie and TV Show Bars and Restaurants That Exist in Real Life

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name -and while that would much more likely happen in a neighborhood bar you frequent regularly, it's hard not to envison the welcome smiles of Sam and Dianne when you...

The History of Five Uniquely American Sandwiches

An article at Smithsonian gives us five history lessons in sandwiches, some you might have never heard of before. Have you ever eaten -or even seen- a chow mein sandwich?The chow mein sandwich is the quintessential &ldqu...

Watch This Guy Ruin His Friends' Instagram Food Photos

It's a bit silly to take pictures of every meal you eat unless you run a food blog or you're a chef looking to give other chefs props on social media, but most who post a pic of every meal just can't help themselves.So t...

How Daylight Saving Solved America’s Clock Craziness

The United States first observed Daylight Saving Time in 1918, as a measure to save energy during wartime. The federal government pulled back after the war, and DST became optional for the states. It went nationwide agai...

A Peek At Norway's New Underwater Restaurant

Dining in an underwater restaurant used to be something only characters in movies could do, but nowadays there are underwater establishments in Florida, Dubai and the Maldives when you're feeling like dining with the fis...

Parking Restrictions as a Star Wars Crawl

[] (YouTube link)The notoriously confusing parking signs in Culver City, California, have received the ultimate tribute. Mike Phirman noted the extreme angle necessary for reading one and made...

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