Redditors Share Times When Their Gut Feeling Turned Out To Be True

The old saying "trust your gut" has proven to be true so many times I often get a stomach ache right before some crazy s#%t goes down, like my stomach's trying to tell me something my mind doesn't know.

“One day when my daughter was 4 years old we were leaving the post office and she starts sobbing uncontrollably and begging me not to die. Crying and crying that she wasn’t ready for me to die. It took me over an hour to calm her down. For the rest of the day I felt dread in my stomach and worried something was going to happen. My dad died that night. It was like she knew something was coming, she just had the wrong person.” – Erika216

My gut feeling has gotten me out of scrapes and dangerous situations, and these responses to the AskReddit question "What's your "something doesn't feel right" moment that turned out to be true?" show others have trusted their gut and escaped with their lives.  

“Once I had to get up really early in the morning to go on a trip for my job. It was about 3:30 in the morning and I had forgotten to go and get gas for my car the night before. I stopped at a gas station about a mile away from my house because it was well-lit and it was in a nicer area. Anyways, I was pumping gas and then I got the weirdest feeling that I needed to move. I moved behind my car and then away from it. Then I noticed this huge guy hiding in front of my car.

He was sneaking towards me when I got the urge to get away from my car. I was completely alone and I’m just a small girl. I almost always have mace or something with me if I am by myself. This time I had a knife and pulled it out and started screaming bloody murder for him to get the heck away from me. Then he started moving closer around my car to me. I screamed even louder and an attendant came out who called the cops. Definitely one of the scariest moments of my life.” – blue_raspberry_jello

So the next time you get a bad feeling about a person or a situation trust your gut and follow up on that hunch, because you might be (un)pleasantly surprised with what you find.

“I had that “Im being watched look” whenever I would shower, and tried to tell myself it was my imagination. A couple times I would stare at the window thinking “there’s no one out there, you’re imagining it” but then Im hangin out with the neighbour (families knew each other for decades) and we are scrolling through home videos on a digital camera. And there are candids of me in, getting into, and getting out of the shower.” – rainbowsockmonkey

Read 20 Times That Your Nagging Feeling Turned Out To Be True here

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