The Most Popular Halloween Costume From The Year You Were Born

Yearly Halloween costume trends are nothing new, and as soon as Halloween went commercial every costume company began creating masks and costumes based on popular pop culture characters and celebrities.

By the 1960s Halloween had become a big business, with new costumes created yearly to match the current pop culture trends, and from then on it was almost guaranteed the most popular costume of each year would be inspired by pop culture.

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In 1968 the kiddos were going crazy for Casper the Friendly Ghost, so Collegeville Costumes made their spooky dreams come true with this cheap costume every kid could afford.

During the 70s the girls were going gaga for Jan Brady, Princess Leia and Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby, while the boys were punch drunk for Rocky Balboa, caught Saturday Night Fever and adored everything about Star Wars.

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The Radical 80s were ruled by Madonna, Jem, Marty McFly and the Ghostbusters, who were the top costume of 1984 and are still one of the most popular Halloween costumes of all time because it's easy to DIY.

The 90s were ruled by the TMNT and Batman for boys, while girls were diggin' the Spice Girls, Catwoman and Morticia Addams, which was also a popular costume for girls in the 1960s thanks to this Ben Cooper costume.

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See The Halloween Costume Everyone Was Wearing The Year You Were Born here

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This is obviously some sort of mental disorder, and if you read the attached article, it kind of makes sense (in an odd sort of way). It's apparently a control thing. Well, think about it. An inanimate object can never talk back or hurt your feelings (but if it does, that's probably a sign of some other mental disorder)!
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Allowing gay marriage will not open the door to allowing other forms of unconventional, and even twisted "marriage". I wish people would let go of that stupid idea that they use as an excuse to rob gay people of basic rights and lower them to the level of a mentally ill or otherwise sick individual that would marry a wall or a tower or a sheep. I'm not even gay, and I find that idea completely insulting.

Off the soap box... I agree with Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. Marrying an inanimate object is a control thing. It has to be, because there is really no other benefit involved, and I don't even want to think about the physical side of things if they exist at all. :P
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If a man is allowed to marry another man, every US citizen will immediately be legally required to marry a dog. The people who refuse will be sent to internment camps and will be summarily terminated by our lizard overlords who rule from the inside of the earth. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
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There's a tower in Kansas City that's way more phallic than either of em. Google the Liberty Memorial Tower and tell me it ain't packing.
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