Archive for October 18th, 2017

What Does the Hamburger Helper’s Skeleton Look Like?

The Hamburger Helper mascot is a disembodied hand, wearing a glove, with a face in its palm. It's ridiculous already, but trying to envision what kind of bone structure it has inside is even weirder. That's the question...

Buddhist Monks with a Sense of Humor

While they may have given up certain earthly pleasures, like hair, these monks aren't above a bit of shenanigans when they need a bag to carry their stuff. Wouldn't you do the same in their position? Since the band Nirva...

Vampire Killers - The Best Way To Kill A Bat Is With A Frog

Vampire Killers by NemonsThe Frog Brothers don't look like much in person, and they sound like little more than overenthusiastic kids with wild imaginations on the phone, but those fearless little fellows really know...

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Winners 2017

The National History Museum in London announced the winners of their annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. The winner in the youth competition, the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year, is Daniël...

Truly Horrific Halloween Horror Stories That Happen To Be True

Telling spooky stories around a campfire (or flashlight if you're indoors) is a Halloween tradition that keeps the art of storytelling alive in an age when kids would rather stare at a screen than talk to each other.And...

Searching for the Identity of San Francisco’s Mysterious Mummified Girl

We've read about how San Francisco city officials had all the city's dead moved to Colma in 1914 in order to reclaim the valuable land taken up by cemeteries. As methodical as they were, the project was massive, and mist...

29 Facts about European Royalty

[] (YouTube link)These facts are bizarre -John Green said so- because royalty is weird. These folks spend their lives surrounded by fabulous wealth and have people taking care of their every n...

The Animal Most Likely To Kill You In Each State

Whenever people discuss the deadliest animals in North America they mention rattlesnakes, bears and, if they're coastal, sharks, but nobody talks about the fact that deer kill more people each year than bears, snakes and...

Wikipedia Markov Masher

The Wikipedia Markov Masher is a generator that will mix two Wikipedia articles together into a paragraph that almost, but not quite, makes sense in an artificial intelligence manner. I entered Crystal Head Vodka and Mem...

Guy Photoshops Himself Into Childhood Pics So He Can Hang Out With His Younger Self

Do you ever think about what you'd say to your younger self if you could travel back in time and have a chat with the kid version of you?Montreal-based grown up photographer guy Conor Nickerson sure has, and he decided,...

Baby Hears Mommy for the First Time

Christy Keane's daughter Charly was born deaf. She's still an infant, but recently got hearing aids. We've seen older children and adults get emotional when they hear sound for the first time, but Charly is so young, she...

Bloody And Mysterious Movie Posters Created For Dario Argento Films

The films of Italian director Dario Argento are hard to classify because they don't fit neatly into any one genre- on the one hand they're definitely full of horror elements, but films like Profondo Rosso (Deep Red)*...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Time Bandits

The 1981 movie Time Bandits was written, produced, and directed by Monty Python's Terry Gilliam. Unlike his later fantasies Brazil and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, this film was aimed at...

The Massacre Machine Halloween Horror - Good Thing They Didn't Let Chucky Drive!

The Massacre Machine Halloween Horror by NibiruHybridThe Scooby gang had gone up against so many imposters they didn't know what real slashers looked like, so they dismissed Jason as just another Old Man Smithers and...

Products In Your Medicine Cabinet That Don't Work As Advertised

(Image Link)Clutter clusters often form in our medicine cabinets, where all those products that promise to make our skin look better, teeth look whiter and fix our split ends reside. But as many of us have learned the ha...

Giant Robot Duel: USA vs Japan

Two years ago, the U.S. company Megabots challenged Suidobashi Heavy Industry to a giant robot battle. The Japanese company agreed to pit their robots against the Americans. It took some time to get the robots ready, but...

Maybe an Anne Frank Halloween Costume Isn't the Best Idea

Every year Halloween stores release a shockingly tasteless costume to the public that ends up getting pulled before the big day even arrives. This year that costume is an Anne Frank costume that was sold on HalloweenCost...

Charles Laughton in The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.The first mention of a sound film version of victor Hugo's classic novel The...

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