Archive for October 17th, 2017

Twerking Corgi Latte

Daphne Tang (periperipeng) is a 17-year-old 3D latte artist who creates extraordinary cups of coffee with adorable animals on top! Her materials are creamy foam (or is that foamy cream?), chocolate syrup, and food colori...

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Ron Howard today posted a short video on Twitter that revealed the name of the next standalone movie in the Star Wars series. The film about Han Solo in his younger years will be called Solo: A Star Wars Sto...

A Master Falconer Shows How His Birds Protect Valuable U.S. Crops

Falconry is an ancient hunting tradition that dates back to at least 2000 B.C., and while most hunters no longer need to rely on birds of prey to help them catch their dinner falconers still have plenty for their talente...

From Folk to Acid Rock, How Marty Balin Launched the San Francisco Music Scene

If you are of a certain age, you might remember Marty Balin as the founder of Jefferson Airplane. But he was much more influential in promoting the music of San Francisco in the 1960s, which led to the city being the epi...

Full-Size Candy Bars

Trick-or-treating as a kid in a small town, I always knew which houses were going to give out the full-size candy bars. I also knew which houses had homemade popcorn balls, peanut-butter fudge, and cookies. One old lady...

Bizarre Creature Crawls Out Of Family's Toilet

The thought of anything crawling out of our toilets makes our skin crawl, and not just because of the germs, so if you really can't handle the sight of something emerging from a toilet then please move on to the next pos...

One Punch Merc - Laugh At Your Own Peril

One Punch Merc by pigboomDP has found himself in all sorts of ridiculous situations over the years, but up until recently he'd never shifted over to another dimension. And now that he's started shifting around, hoppin...

No Spiders in Here

David Orr made this apple pie for a local competition. He spelled out "No Spiders in Here" with the top crust. Would you trust this pie? Admit it, you hadn't thought about the possibility of spiders in the pie until you...

Gamers Continue To Create Incredibly Impressive Sculptures In Minecraft

Minecraft is still driving the kiddies wild, and it must be set to overtake Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros. as the video game gateway drug that has gotten the most kids hooked on gaming.Kiddies t...

Friendly Ferret Fight

Just like two young brothers do, the ferrets Atlas and Orion squabble over their water dish. We know it's just a sibling rivalry, as neither one of them were hurt.  [] (YouTube link)First...

Tea Time With Peach And Bowser

Now that Peach and Bowser have become chummy, possibly due to Stockholm syndrome, the two can finally do what they've wanted to do since they first met- gossip over a cup of tea.Now they talk about boys with moustaches,...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Notebook

The Nicholas Sparks romance novel The Notebook was made into a movie in 2004, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The two Canadians played South Carolinians who fall in and out and in love. Gosling was fai...

The Ten Greatest DC Comics Supervillains Of All Time

(Image Link)DC Comics has created some of the biggest, baddest and most iconic supervillains of all time, and even though many heroes in the DC Universe bear a striking resemblance to Marvel superheroes the villains are...

Alien Facehugger Pudding Cups

Tye Lombardi (previously at Neatorama) went to great lengths for a special effect Halloween recipe. These Alien Facehugger Pudding Cups have edible Alien eggs and facehuggers, they fizz, they glow in the dark, a...

Why Mata Hari Wasn't a Cunning Spy After All

Margaretha Zelle was a Dutch woman who became the exotic dancer Mata Hari after she lived in the Dutch East Indies with her first husband. She became a sensation in Europe, grew fabulously wealthy, and charmed many lover...

Sometimes Accidental Google Searches Bring the Best Results

Usually when you mistype something on Google, you either get results that have nothing to do with what you're looking for or Google will auto-correct your search. But sometimes a mistaken search can give you results bett...

Fears Research

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Research About Fearcompiled by Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable...

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