It's hard to believe now, but the 1983 comedy Mr. Mom was a "fish out of water" movie that portrayed a man who stayed home with his young children while his wife went to work. Gasp! Placed in the context of its time, the movie was quite funny, and established Michael Keaton as a comedy star for the rest of the decade. That may also be hard to fathom for younger audiences who know him only from Batman or Birdman. For those of us who recall the funny and strangely groundbreaking movie Mr. Mom, here's some behind-the-scenes trivia.
10. Michael Keaton turned down a role in Splash for this film.
Which would you rather see him, a mermaid movie or a film in which he had to assume the role of mom for a while?
7. This movie came about after the director had to look after his own kids.
Your perspective on family life definitely changes when you have to take on a different role than you’re used to.
Read the rest of the trivia list on Mr. Mom at TVOM.