Archive for October 14th, 2017

How Charlie Chaplin’s Wife Saved His Backyard Fortune

Charlie Chaplin had been in show business for decades when he was swept up in Senator Joe McCarthy's campaign to rid the U.S. of communists and communist sympathizers. Chaplin was one of many Hollywood luminaries  t...

Large Cat Spotted

First, David Sluder saw an enormous cat just off the road in Hernando, Mississippi. It appears to be a wild cat, maybe a cougar. He didn't get too close to it.(Facebook link)The local news team from Fox13 sent Scott Mada...

Timmy Has A Visitor - It Ain't Avon Calling!

Timmy has a Visitor by Steven RhodesThis is Timmy, and Timmy has a bony visitor. Timmy was told by his mom that he was not to open the front door for anyone, but Timmy is dumb and doesn't like to listen to his mom. Th...

A Handy Chart That Ranks Popular Hot Sauces By Scoville Heat Units

If you're one of those people who likes to pile on the hot sauce until their mouth feels like it's literally on fire then the hot sauces on this chart created by Sriracha2Go are probably too tame for your fireproof tongu...

How To Make Sausage With Brad

Bon Appétit sounds like a fancy name for a fancy company full of fancy people, but their Test Kitchen Manager Brad Leone isn't some fancy pants culinary snob with expensive tastes- he's just a regular guy who host...

Kitten Rescued from 25-Foot Deep Hole

If black cats are bad luck, then this kitten has already used all his bad luck up. However, it was good luck that a geologist working nearby heard him mew. The kitten had fallen 25 feet down a hole in Venice, California....

The Staff Of Unspeakable Evil

Any sane person who finds a cursed artifact like the Staff of Unspeakable Evil in the trash bin should ask themselves who would have tossed away such a terribly powerful magic item- and why.But the unfortunate idiot in t...

Father-Daughter Halloween Costumes

It had to happen sooner or later. It is now easier to find a Link costume than it is to find a Peter Pan costume. So redditor jay_roo modified a Link costume, because that's what you do when your daughter wants you to pl...

Scare Up Smiles Wherever You Go With A Creepy Cool NeatoShop T-Shirt

You Can Dance by PunkstheticAll the candy creeps, groovy ghoulies and creatures of the night spend the entire year waiting for this brief yet wonderful season of spooky fun known as Halloweentime, a time when spirits fl...

A Night at the Garden

You may have never heard about the 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. It's not mentioned in textbooks or classrooms because it's a "scary and embarrassing" part of U.S. history. Filmmaker Marshall Curry hadn't hea...

Start Off Your Day With A Hot Cup of Buffalo Wing Coffee

You know the old expression, "The best part of waking up is Buffalo hot wings in your cup?" No, you don't, oh, I guess that's because it's not something anyone has ever said. Ever. But that didn't stop Tim Hortons from r...

The Incredible Story of Dawn Doe, the Real Skeleton in Dawn of the Dead

Imagine this: You are working on a horror film, and need a skeleton. You borrow one from a guy you know. It doesn't look authentic enough, so you dress it up a little. The 1978 George Romero film Dawn of the Dead*/em...

Cat Goes Crazy Every Time His Owner Pulls Out The Whipped Cream

When a cat really likes something, whether it's food or a plaything, they have no problem expressing their interest, and some cats will damn near claw their owner's arms off just to get what they're holding.So take it fr...

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