Archive for October 9th, 2017

A History of Ghosts on Film

Oh yeah, there have been plenty of ghosts on film, but the ones you know are special effects that tell a story about ghosts. Then there are the many people over the past 100+ years who have attempted to capture moving pi...

New Trailer for The Last Jedi

The second full trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi just dropped during Monday Night Football, and now we all have it. Rey is training, Luke is tired, General Leia is concerned, and Kylo Ren is pissed...

Alyson Tabbitha's Cosplay Magic

We saw cosplayer Alyson Tabbitha just a few days ago in this post, portraying Captain Jack Sparrow in uncanny fashion. Now take a look at what she looks like without a costume, and as Wonder Woman! Yes, both pictures are...

Performers Who Died In Front Of An Audience

Whoever says "well, at least they died doing what they loved!" when a performer dies on stage clearly doesn't get why that would suck- because all of your accomplishments in life are overshadowed by the way you died.'Dim...

Fun with Polyethylene Glycol

The host of The Action Lab (previously at Neatorama) makes entertainment out of the properties of Polyethylene glycol. It's a substance made of long stringy molecules that cohere so well that they defy gravity. A good ba...

Zombie Bacooon - Nothing's Wrong, That's Just How Piggy Looks Without Her Makeup!

Zombie Bacooon by Li.Ro.ViIt's not uncommon for pigs to develop a taste for themselves, especially when careless ranchers try to cut down on feed costs by mixing a bit of pork in with their grub, but a pig who acquires...

Things You Might Not Know About Denny's

Denny's is one of the only restaurants open 24 hours a day even on Christmas, it's the place where teenagers go to drink coffee and eat french fries for hours, and in keeping with the American diner tradition Denny's is...

The Mid-Century Supper Club

Those awful Jell-O/mayonnaise/Spam-type recipes from the 1940s, '50s, and '60s may have been completely inedible by modern standards, but they sure are fun to mock. To that end, the Mid-Century Supper Club was formed in...

How To Bark Down A Dog To Get It To Stop Chasing You

Being chased by a roaming dog looking for trouble can be humiliating, terrifying and frustrating since those curs don't know when to mind their manners, and people often make matters worse by running away.Brendan Leonard...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Beverly Hills Cop

The 1984 film Beverly Hills Cop wasn't Eddie Murphy's first movie, but it was his first as a solo lead and it made him a superstar of the big screen as well as the small screen. What you might not know is that t...

Celebrities Are Sharing Awkward Pics From Their Childhood To Raise Money For Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico still needs aid to repair the damage done by Hurricane Maria and restore some normalcy to the lives of the people devastated by the storm, so many celebrities are helping to raise money for the people of Puer...

Exterminating Humanity

What? You mean we owe our entire continued existence to procrastination? I guess that's an idea I can get behind. At least it explains the Fermi paradox. This is the latest comic from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning...

The Best Places to See Marine Life on Vacation This Winter

Winter is a great time to see marine animals and if you're willing to go somewhere a bit cool this season, there are a lot of places you might want to visit. In fact, with these kind of animals, it might be a good idea t...

McDonald's Will Bring Back Szechuan Sauce Again

In 1998, McDonald's offered Szechuan sauce to accompany chicken nuggets. It was a limited-time offer to promote the movie Mulan. In April, the bygone sauce was the subject of a joke on the show Rick and Mart...

A Whimsical Song About What Might Happen To Bill Wurtz If He Leaves His House

Going outside can be a real bum trip, as the bugs start to bite and the neighbors start to stare before you suddenly realize you're standing outside in your underwear, so cool kids like singer/songwriter Bill Wurtz stay...

The Ghosts of Japanese School Toilets

The following is an article from Uncle John's OLD FAITHFUL 30th Anniversary edition.(Image credit: Flickr user brett jordan)If you ever have occasion to visit a children’s school in Japan, use the thir...

The Nightmare Before Empire - Jack's New Hero

The Nightmare Before Empire by Mr.JungleJack was never a fan of movies because he didn't have a TV set in his pumpkin patch, nor did he have electricity to run the set since Dr. Finkelstein's contraptions suck up all...

Bedtime Story

Sometimes you feel the need to revert back to your childhood, even if just for a few minutes. Neil deGrasse Tyson got that yearning, but when you're Neil deGrasse Tyson, your wish may be fulfilled. In this video, he gets...

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