Archive for October 2nd, 2017

RIP Tom Petty

Musician Tom Petty suffered a cardiac arrest at his home Monday morning. Emergency responders were able to stimulate a pulse, and Petty was taken to a Los Angeles hospital in critical condition. However, he never regaine...

Scary Dreams - Two Plus Two Terry's Coming For You!

Scary dreams by karlangas People are always fawning over that guy Freddy from Elm Street, claiming he's the scariest and most murderous guy in pop culture, but these people seem to be overlooking the obvious- Sca...

The Mysterious Teenage Ghost That Haunted Taft's White House

There have been many tales of ghosts in the executive mansion in Washington, but the one that set the staff on edge during the Taft administration became the subject of a White House cover up. President Taft's personal a...

Awful Fashions That Hollywood Tried To Pass Off As Cool

Movies and TV shows are constantly trying to convince us the main characters are super special in some way, and the producers often use wardrobe as a way to make their stars stand out from the supporting cast.But instead...

Dog Spells Her Name

[] (YouTube link)They say that Penny is a smart dog, but why can't she put the letters in the right order from left -to-right instead of piling them on top of each other? Oh yeah, because she'...

The Magician

Man, people were totally witch crazy back in the day, burning every suspected witch they could find at the stake, and they probably didn't take too kindly to magicians neither.On the other hand, as long as magicians didn...

The Northernmost Places You Can Live

For most of us, the charm of cold weather can be enjoyed only because we know there will be an end to it next spring. But if you really hate fresh fruit and lawn mowing and swimming pools, if you prefer polar bears to pe...

The Charming Halloween Costumes of PawsomeCrochet

It's always fun to dress up in costume for Halloween, but dressing up pets is even more entertaining. Aegean Drawn of Etsy's PawsomeCrochet makes some of the most delightful pet costumes around and they're all made of co...

Nobel Prize Awarded for Research in Circadian Rhythm at the Molecular Level

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to three American scientists who identified genes and proteins that regulate our biological clocks. Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael W. Young, and Michael Rosbash w...

Insect Breeder Shows Off Gorgeous Giant Snail The Size Of A Small Cat

I'm surprised more people don't have pet snails in their home considering how cool SpongeBob's snail Gary is in the cartoons, but the lack of pet snails is probably due to the fact that most people don't like slimy pets....

Plan Your Halloween Film Festival

If you are a horror movie fan and subscribe to one (or more) of the many streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or HBO, you are in for a great October. The hard part is deciding how to want to use your emba...

How Small Can I Draw?

Artists who create original characters get to know every basic shape, contour line and fine detail of that character like the back of their hand, and many artists can even draw their characters blindfolded due to muscle...

A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus - A Spellcasting Cat-Astrophe

A Bunch of Hocus Pocus by VelvetmusketeerWhat's all this hocus pocus I keep hearing about witches having all the power? Don't these ignorant people know that witches are nothing without their black cats? Witches need...

Norwegian Rocker Compares Three Electric Guitars At Three Different Price Points

The biggest misconception about electric guitars is that more expensive guitars sound better than the cheaper ones, so Norweigan rocker Leo Moracchioli of Frog Leap Studios compared three different guitars at different p...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie Space Jam

The 1996 movie Space Jam will forever mark the generation of people who were children when it was released. They love it; no one else does. The film featured a disparate cast of characters that included NBA star...

Kittens Found On The Side Of The Road Turn Out To Be Rare Jungle Cats

Most strays are just sick animals in need of care and a new home, so eighteen-year-old Hamdan Shibli didn't think twice about helping the three tiny kittens he found on the side of the road while walking to work.And I ca...

The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Mountain of the Dead

The following is an article from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader The World's Gone Crazy.More than 50 years ago, a group of experienced skiers met a gruesome end on a snowy mountain range. And to this day, no on...

Science-Backed Advice On How To Avoid Bringing Home Bedbugs

Bedbug infestations are a living nightmare, and those little bloodsuckers love to hitch a ride on people so they can spread the infestation all over town, or in the case of international travelers spread it across the gl...

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