Doctors Who Prove Laughter Is The Best Medicine

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Going to the doctor's office can be a bit nerve wracking and scary, as we allow medical professionals to look us over and await their diagnosis hoping they don't find any problems.

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Doctors who don't care about patient comfort have bland art on the walls and cover their offices with ads from drug companies, but doctors who care hang some funny stuff on their walls to keep patients from freaking out.

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Isn't it refreshing to know some doctors still care about people instead of profits?

And the fact that a doctor in North Dakota wrote some little kid a prescription for Monster Spray so they'll feel safe at night is priceless...unless he charged the kid for the prescription. But hey- at least the kid has one refill!

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See 10+ Hilarious Doctors That Prove Laughter Is The Best Medicine here

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That's my fav pain chart. But they really need to credit it properly - it's from Allie's Brosh's (Hyperbole and a Half) "Boyfriend Doesn't Have Ebola. Probably." post.
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That pain chart isn't very good... it keeps talking about likelihood of dying, when some of the most painful medical conditions don't actually put your life at risk at all... e.g. Kidney stones, child birth, etc.
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