How To Identify And Avoid Burnout

Every worker in the world is prone to burnout, and the more hours you put in at your job the more likely you are to fall victim to burnout, no matter how rewarding the job.

Thankfully our minds and bodies have ways of telling us we're about to experience burnout well before it happens, so if you learn to identify the signs you can de-stress and avoid getting burned out altogether.

This colorful graphic created by The Simple Dollar shows the 7 Signs Of Burnout and discusses six things you can do to avoid burnout, from simply getting enough sleep at night to the harder to maintain 40 hour work week.

But my choice for the best way to avoid burnout is to get outdoors and see some greenery whenever possible, because sunshine, fresh air and a visit with Mother Nature really clears my head.

See full sized infographic here

-Via Lifehacker

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