There are lots of guys out there who walk around with a puffed chest and inflated ego acting like they're the toughest men on Earth, but when they're faced with mortal danger they turn tail and run like chickens.
But when Penn State student Brendon Malovrh heard gunfire and saw his fellow students fleeing in panic he went towards the source of the terror instead of away from it and found student turned sniper Jillian Robbins reloading her rifle.
Brendon ripped the rifle out of Jillian's hands before she could reload, so she pulled out a knife and went after him, which still didn't faze Brendon because he'd officially switched to badass mode:
Jillian stabbed herself in the leg during the struggle, which ended up making Brendon look like even more of a badass when he applied a torniquet to her leg and saved her from bleeding out. Apparently he knew karate and she knew karazy!
Read 6 Normal People Who Became Crazy Badasses When Facing Danger here (NSFW language)
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