Archive for September 24th, 2017

The Bad Hair, Incorrect Feathering, and Missing Skin Flaps of Dinosaur Art

Artists gave us renderings of what dinosaurs looked like by imagining flesh on the skeletal fossils that we have. We all know what a T-rex, a stegosaurus, and a triceratops is supposed to look like. Or we did, until bett...

Indian Designers Build Air Conditioner That Works Without Electricity

Air conditioning is a luxury few people in the world can afford, and when you live in a region where having a home with electricity is a luxury air conditioning becomes even more of an impossibility.But the clever folks...

Nearly 600 Very Good Dogs

If you were going to witness an attempt to break a world record, this is the one you'd want to attend. An association called the Border Collie Owners of South Australia (BCOSA) welcomed 576 border collies to a park in Wi...

WEARAS Halloween Panda (Animal Support) - Get Dressed Up For The Animals!

WEARAS Halloween Panda (Animal Support) by WEARASPeople think that supporting and saving the animals takes too much time, money and hard work for them to make a difference, but the truth is supporting the animals is eas...

Is Beaming Down in Star Trek a Death Sentence?

The transporter mechanism in Star Trek is quite cool for science fiction, in that you could set the destination, step onto a platform, and find yourself on an unexplored planet. Most of the time. We know the fic...

Guy Smashing Store Window Gets Hit With Instant Karma

As a general rule anyone who smashes a store window is up to no good, and whether they're smashing the window to loot, get even with the owner or simply because they're drunk and/or high it all amounts to bad karma.And k...

Who Did This?

The caption under this comic is "Actually, it could be any one of them." That's exactly right, as anyone with three cats will tell you. No matter who the perpetrator is, there's one cat who will fret about either being c...

A Newly Discovered Underwater City Engineered By Octopuses

Scientists are now well aware of how smart octopuses are, and the more we learn about these intelligent and gentle creatures people once thought of as sea monsters the more we find to respect and admire about them.They'r...

Reality Versus the Perception of Reality

The universe is so big and complicated that mere humans can only perceive a small part of it, and understand even less of it. Sure, our relative intelligence and ability to grasp abstract concepts is what separates is fr...

Normal People Who Turned Into Total Badasses In The Face Of Danger

There are lots of guys out there who walk around with a puffed chest and inflated ego acting like they're the toughest men on Earth, but when they're faced with mortal danger they turn tail and run like chickens.But when...

Tangs for the Memories

Rowena Matthews graduated from Radcliffe, worked for a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, and earned a PhD in biophysics from the University of Michigan. She also married a medical student and had two boys …all in the...

The True Story Behind Billie Jean King’s Victorious “Battle of the Sexes”

The new film Battle of the Sexes (starring Emma Stone and Steven Carell above) tells the story of the 1973 tennis match between former tennis star Bobby Riggs and 29-year-old Billie Jean King. King had worked fo...

The Baranton Sisters

Régina and Yvonne Baranton were foot jugglers. Watch them display their talents on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1969.[] (YouTube link)You have to wonder how and why they ever decide...

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