The 2009 movie District 9 was Neill Blomkamp's first feature film, an expansion of his short Alive in Joberg. The movie was about an alien invasion, but was also a political allegory illustrating the effects of xenophobia and racism. And it gave Americans a serious look at how alien invasions might play out in other countries. If you liked the movie, you'll want to read some of the behind-the-scenes facts about it.
7. The aliens are all played by the same actor.
The heavy use of CGI left some people wondering just how many different actors there were, but in truth there was only the one that did all the aliens.
6. The lead actor kind of stumbled into the role.
The man that played Wikus wasn’t exactly trying to be the lead but just happened to be in the right place at the right time. In fact he wasn’t even intent on acting at first.
Well, not all the trivia is about making a blockbuster on a small budget. Read the rest the trivia list about District 9 at TVOM.