If you have a high school senior in your home, get ready for lots of walking around campuses, trying to discern what makes this school different from the one you saw last week. Your child knows there's no way they're ever going to attend this school because it's close enough for their parents to drive to. However, it's close enough to drive to, and they get an excused day off from from school for taking the tour. This would be better titled as a "generic" college tour rather than an "honest" tour, but the difference is negligible.
The tour is led by a student on a work study program, and they do their best because they don't want to go back to washing dishes in the cafeteria. Your kid runs into a student they barely knew from high school, and you don't see them again for hours. Meanwhile, you're lucky to see one dorm room, since no one volunteers for theirs to be seen. Soon, you realize that it doesn't matter a bit what the school looks like, only whether they will give your kid financial aid. After two or three of these tours, you just send your kid (and all their friends) off to go see a campus on their own. They just wanted a day away from school anyway. -via College Humor
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