(Care For Your Pets by Legendary Phoenix)
Pets are magnificent and part of the thing that makes them so great is that no two pets are exactly alike. And in fact, some animals are just plain weird. Over on our Facebook, we recently asked our readers what the weirdest thing their pet ever did was and the answers were as delightfully fun as you might expect. A few examples:
My cat got in the bathroom and took a dump on the toilet like those trained cats we see on YouTube. In the end he sit at the door and looked at me like saying "no one will believe in you"
My cat opens the freezer and sits in it. When we aren't home, stuff thaws because he doesn't close it when he leaves! He will also sit on the bottom shelf of the fridge and we've accidentally locked him in...
Tried to use all the remotes in the house to hide his poop. I mean all of them bedroom remote, tv, Dvd, and the Xbox remotes were pushed on top of the pile.
You can read all the great comments here, or add your own weird pet story in the comments on this post.