Archive for September 10th, 2017

How to Drive a Developer Crazy

Boy, is he going to be upset when he finally figures out the truth! If he ever does, that is… and if he does, he'll pull the same prank on the next new guy that comes along. That's something he won't ever forget....

Nintendo Has Finally Admitted Mario Isn't A Plumber Anymore

(Image Link)In the beginning we were introduced to Mario and Luigi, two Bros who were supposedly plumbers clearing the pipes of turtles, crabs and other clogs.But then the duo became Super and started doing way more than...

Broadcasters Out in the Weather

Meteorologist Juston Drake from the Weather Channel show Storm Riders stepped out of the car for a moment to measure the wind speed during Hurricane Irma. His co-worker Simon Brewer caught some video of the mome...

Pregnant Woman Poses With 20,000 Live Bees For Maternity Photo Shoot

I understand bees are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate and I'm all for being super duper nice to bees and not killing them, maybe even going so far as to give them some flowers to hang out on.The tenders...

Harvest Traditions and Folklore

In olden times, harvesting crops was a community chore, in which everyone had a specific task they specialized in, and the process was laid out by tradition. The corn harvest, as it existed before machinery is described...

A Mesmerizing Video By LAIKA Studios About Their Creative Process

If you enjoy watching stop motion films and animated features then you're probably already familiar with the incredible movies created at LAIKA Studios, and you're most likely already a fan of their films.However, if you...

Time Theft - What Kind Of Doctor Uses A Sonic Screwdriver?

Time Theft by OneBluebird ArtGru was getting tired of stealing normal Earth stuff because he had stolen it all before, and even his minions were starting to be able to tell the difference between good junk and junk ju...

13 Haunted Hotels

Is there a haunted hotel in your hometown? Historic hotels become haunted because so many different people have slept there over a long period of time, and some those folks go to a hotel to keep nefarious activities out...

I'm So Ugly

If you're ugly and you know it then you probably don't give a crap about what people think of your appearance, which is the right way to be because looks are definitely not everything in life.But if you only think you lo...

Making Cloudsplosions

What happens when you mix boiling water and liquid nitogen? An explosion of freezing mist that produces dense clouds! Watch that happen when the guys from Kuma Films try it out. They keep enlarging the experiment until t...

What's the Weirdest Thing Your Pet Has Ever Done

(Care For Your Pets by Legendary Phoenix)Pets are magnificent and part of the thing that makes them so great is that no two pets are exactly alike. And in fact, some animals are just plain weird. Over on our Facebook, we...

Viking Warrior was a Woman

In the 1880s, a Viking settlement was excavated in the town of Birka, Sweden. One grave stood out among the others: it was obviously a high-ranking warrior, a leader of men, buried with the accoutrements of war and honor...

Why People are Afraid of Clowns

Clowns are creepy, I think most of agree on that. Some people are so creeped out by clowns that they fall apart in the presence of a clown. That is called coulrophobia, and it can be treated. It seems that it would be ea...

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