Archive for September 8th, 2017

Kurt Vonnegut's "The Drone King"

Kurt Vonnegut wrote several stories that were never published until now. Five of these stories from the 1950s, very early in his career, were only discovered recently, and will be published in book form to be released ne...

Every Night as We Drift Off Together

It's a love story, in five panels, from Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal. Click the arrow on the right of the image to advance the comic. And let the romantic feelings wash over you. an evening comic for @idomakelove A po...

DeadHead - Does The Chok'Lit Shop Serve Brains?

DeadHead by Mike PachecoJughead is feeling more like an airhead these days, and he can't seem to keep his mind on anything but eating- which led to a dark discovery. He thought he just smelled bad because he's a teen...

The First Japanese Woman to Go to College

In 1871, Ōyama Sutematsu was sent to the United States to get an education. It was a step in the process of opening up and modernizing Japan after a bloody civil war. A few years later, she became the first Japanese wom...

9 Things You Need To Know About Kittens

Simon Tofield and Nicky Treverrow are back with another lesson on cats. This one is about adopting a kitten. They have special needs, compared to a older cats. [] (YouTube link)After all,...

Why Don't We Throw Trash In Volcanoes?

Waste management companies are only able to recycle or compost about a third of the 254 million tons of trash produced in America each year, so they're always looking for new ways to get rid of the trash we pay them to d...

A New Kind of Chocolate

We are used to three forms of chocolate: dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Barry Callebaut, one of the world's largest chocolate manufacturers and a chocolate research center in Zurich, announced this...

Video Game Developers Confess Their Hidden Tricks At Last

Have you ever been in the middle of playing a video game and found yourself wondering something like "did the game just let my character live? Because I totally should have died" or "I swear I hit jump too late, and yet...

Cat Gets a Belly Rub

Malkia Park Rescue Station in Orechová Potôň, Slovakia, takes in exotic animals from circuses and private homes. The lioness here is named Malkia, too. She is a product of circus breeding, and was raised by...

Video Games, Am I Right?!

Gamers- you should know better than to share your "wild but true" tales of video game adventures with people who don't play video games, especially if you're a big fan of Rated M titles like GTA or Skyrim.Because, as thi...

Meet the Batty Fleming Family

[] (YouTube link)On last night's edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Kimmel interviewed the Fleming family of Kerry, Ireland, about the viral fame that came with the bat that got into thei...

A Flowchart To Help You Identify That Light In The Sky

When you go outside and see a bright light shining in the sky it's usually pretty easy to figure out where the light is coming from, especially during the day when the source of the light is the sun, aka that thing burni...

Fan Art Shows The Rugrats Kids All Grown Up

If you grew up watching Rugrats on Nickelodeon, you might identify with Tommy, Dil, Phil, Lil, Chuckie, Kimi, Susie, or Angelica. Now that you're an adult, can you imagine how they would turn out as grown-ups? A...

DK Studies - Naturalist Nerd

DK Studies by Adam WorksThe primates who populate the island of Kong are unlike any other primates on Earth, primarily because they enjoy wearing human clothing but also because they make barrels. What do monkeys and...

11 Deep Facts About The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms

It's probably been a long time since you've even thought about The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, and it's possible you've never even seen it. The groundbreaking 1953 film turned out to be a confluence of talent tha...

This Dog Constantly Stalks His Owner Wherever She Goes

Do you ever feel like someone's watching you? For most people, that's just a pointless paranoia but in the case of Lauren Birney, she's pretty much always right. Lauren's two-year old bull mastiff, Cyprus, suffers from s...

How English Was Made

One language’s long journey from humble to honorificabilitudinitatihus. Long ago, English was considered a barbarian’s tongue. It was fine for the workshop and tavern, but unfit for philosophy, art,...

2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards

The picture above is called Feeding Flamingos by Alejandro Prieto Rojas. It won the top honor at the Bird Photographer of the Year awards, plus first place in the Bird Portrait category, from Nature Photographers Ltd and...

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