Romeo And Juliet Recited In The Original Accent Of Shakespeare's Time

Actors and drama kids are always complaining about how hard it is to say the lines in Shakespeare's plays and how difficult it is to understand what the character's are saying. Well, imagine how much more those kids would whine if they had to say the lines using the original accent from Shakespeare's day!

In this video British actor Ben Crystal demonstrates how the actors would have sounded delivering the opening lines to Romeo and Juliet during the original performances in Shakespeare's London:

Wherever I go whatever age whether it’s eight years old or 80 years old and I say what accent does that remind you of and someone goes ‘Pirates of the Caribbean”… Shakespeare’s London was a melting pot of accents people would come from Norwich and Wales and Scotland and Ireland and Midlands and Somerset and pirate country and they come to London and their accents would all mix in together and then of course later on they’d go to Bristol and sail across to America and later still they’d be sent to Bristol and go down to Australia and that’s in part where those accents all come from

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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