It's really hard to tell what the hell is going on inside the mind of Kim-Jong Un and the North Koreans these days, because one minute they're threatening to nuke us all and the next they're trying to make us get up and dance.
The latest North Korean propaganda video contains segments that look like they're challenging the U.S. to a dance-off, which would be a super chill way to handle international conflict and would reduce military spending to the cost of new shoes.
But until "dropping a nuclear bomb" becomes a sick dance move instead of an act of violence that can destroy the world we should really steer clear of anything that might get Kim-Jong Un too worked up. And from what I hear the Step Up movies are his fav, so I guess a dance-off is off.
-Via Gizmodo
Comments (2)
hes just the other clueless wart
two guys. no spectators. no decent action shots.
like those guys who looked all earnest and ran so fast they could stay on top of the water.