Invasion of the Pumpkin Spice

The craze of making anything and everything taste (or smell) like a pumpkin pie is back, right on schedule, for fall 2017. Some of these products contain pumpkin, while others just have the "spice." While I can understand why you might flavor sweet things, like cookies, this way, I can't even imagine salsa with pumpkin pie spices in it.   

Yes, there really is a dog treat (actually a "vegetarian dog chew") flavored with cinnamon and ginger. I wonder if dogs really like it. There's a cat food featured, too, but it's only chicken and pumpkin soup, with no spices. That makes sense. See 36 odd products that come in the ubiquitous fall flavors at The Chive. Note there are more and more alcoholic drinks in the list every year.

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