A wedding celebration got a little out of hand Saturday when the bridal party went to a bar in Edmonton, Alberta. Matt Machado and Ryan Bychkowski were not part of the wedding party, but witnessed the fight. Bychkowski took pictures and Machado talked to CBC News.
He said it was like a scene from the Wild Wild West.
"They're getting drinks. They're just really, really super banged up," he said.
"And then all of a sudden we see the smoke pit doors just, like, blow open. Like, you know, in the old Western movies, when a big fight happens and the doors just explode open and everybody piles out? Then security's got this one guy in a headlock and they tumble down the stairs.
"The bride is just like following behind, just swinging."
Security got the brawl settled outside while about 100 people in the bar looked on. With the bride pinned against the wall by bouncers, the groom was led away in another direction, Machado said.
Edmonton police charge the 36-year-old bride with assault, and the 37-year-old groom with mischief. Machado also gave a radio interview about the situation that is quite amusing. -via Metafilter
(Image credit: Ryan Bychkowski)
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