Rheta Wynekoop lived an unhappy life with her unemployed, unfaithful husband in her physician mother-in-law's home. On November 21, 1933, she was found dead on a table in her mother-in-law's operating room in the basement, shot in the back. Who did it?
Was it her husband, who drank and ran around on his wife? He was out of town at the time.
Was it Dr. Alice Wynekoop, her mother-in-law? She was a well-respected doctor in the community. She confessed under duress, than retracted her confession.
Was it Enid Hennessey, who also lived in the home? She had no motive, but provided valuable testimony.
Or was it someone else entirely?
The entire case was odd, and the evidence was inconclusive all around. Although there was a conviction, to this day we don't know exactly what happened to Rheta Wynekoop, or who did it. Read the story of this weird murder case at Strange Company.